Engendering Pottery Production and Distribution Processes among the Kisi and Pare of Tanzania
Dr. Shakila Halifan Mteti

The paper engenders pottery production and distribution processes among Kisi and Pare of Southern Highland and Northeast highland of Tanzania, respectively. The study employed interview, observation and secondary data to examine pottery production processes from a gender perspective. The data indicates that pottery processes among the two societies include clay extraction and transportation, clay processing and pot making, decoration, firing and marketing. The processes involve the interaction between men and women although the involvement of women is more taxing. The processes such as clay extraction, clay transport, clay preparation as well as pot marketing are done by both men and women while pot making and firing are done by women in assistance with their children mostly daughters. This is contrary with the invention of potter’s wheel in 1970s where both men and women were trained to make pot using potter wheel. Generally, women have been engaged in all activities in pottery production and distribution. On the other hand, men’s engagement in pottery production processes is periodic, and highly determined by economic gains accruing from various pottery processes..

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijgws.v4n2a11