Responding to work intensification during Covid-19 induced lockdown: Zimbabwe women’s adaptive and balancing strategies
Efiritha Chauraya, Wonder Muchabaiwa

Covid-19 made working-from-home a new work mode and indications the world over is that it may be a permanent feature even after the pandemic. However, a considerable number of studies have shown that women workers experience work overload while working from home. The current study empirically explored coping mechanisms adopted by women workers experiencing constraining expanded responsibilities because of operating from home during the Covid-19 induced lockdown. Qualitative methodology was employed for the study. Twenty-eight women teleworkers identified through chain-referral sampling constituted the study sample. Data for the study, which were collected though semi structured face-to-face interviews were analysed through the thematic approach. Research findings established an assortment of adaptive mechanisms. The novelty of the study is in some of the revealed adaptive strategies and in the recommendation proffered. A recommendation for country-wide awareness campaign programmes of these strategies, so that women teleworkers can choose a work-from-home fit approach, was suggested for prospects of a better world of work during any emergency or catastrophe that may hit societies.

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijgws.v11n1a3