Deconstructing Discourses for an Effective Implementation of Gender Equality Policies in Cameroon
Caroline Stephanie Jiogo Ngaufack

Despite the numerous international and national frameworks put in place for its implementation in Cameroon, gender equality still witness slow progress. Using a descriptive research design and a sociocognitive approach to study, this research investigate common ideologies Cameroonian attached to gender equality and the correlations of these patriarchal discourses on the slow implementation of gender equality in the country. Data in this study are analysed quantitatively. It is shown that since 1997, the Cameroonians State has provided some legal framework for equal opportunities; however, more than twenty years after, there is still gender discrimination in many social domains. A posteriori trend demonstrates that a good number of Cameroonians, cutting across the formally, informally, poorly or highly educated often misconceive or partly misunderstand the term gender equality. This jeopardises efforts to boost gender equality implementation. For a better comprehension, this study elucidates the necessity of women‟s empowerment as a sine qua none condition to sustainable development. To ensure sustainable development, a more effective and objective gender equality is strongly advocated. This somewhat onerous task falls on the shoulders of government and gender scholars, but its needs to be accompanied by the population.

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijgws.v10n1a5