Gender and Higher Education In Pakistan
Syeda Qudsia Batool, Dr. M.A Sajid, Imrab Shaheen
International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 1(1), pp. 15-28.

This paper aims to investigate the gender represention in higher education of Pakistan. The objective of the study are to overview the existing situation of women and men in both public and private sector universities, focused on the enrollment and their representation in top management position in universities. The secondary data was used in the study. Data was analysed through percentage,tabulation and graphs. The study examined the number of universities, enrollment rate and men and women teachers ratio.The findings show that there is a gender gap in universities , not only enrollment but also the women are in low numbers in top managerial poitions. The result of the study may help to provide directions to address this imbalance. The study concluded that there is need to have gender balance in academia.

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Batool, Qudsia Syeda., Sajid, Dr. M.A., & Shaheen, Imrab. (2013). Gender and Higher Education In Pakistan. International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 1(1), pp. 15-28.

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Syeda Qudsia Batool, PhD
DHQ Hospital Kotli AJ&K (Pakistan)








Dr. M.A Sajid
Dean/Professor of Faculty of Administrative Sciences
University of AJ&K Kotli AJ&K

Imrab Shaheen
University of AJ&K